Monday, January 29, 2007


I guess you could say I am somewhat on the IVF homestretch now...thank you Jesus! I am on my last week of stims, had some blood work done this morning & have two more Ultra Sounds this week. By Friday we should get to see how many little eggs we have in there. Thank God they are taking these things out on Monday, my ovaries feel like giant cantalopes. The Husband was giving me my shots this morning & was like, "Sweet Jesus, what the Hell is it"? My belly is quite disgusting right now, bloated with lots of bruising. We have taken to calling it "Planet Pooch"...It's kind of like it's own life form.
I must admit this no booze thing has been a little challenging on my social life. I think my friends are startled when they see me at a function without a cocktail in my hand...It's like all is not right with the Universe. I'll just stick to living vicariously through my co-workers, hearing about their random hook-ups & smelling their boozy breath on occasion.
I've been feeling slightly less bitter about the whole infertility thing this week, but probably just because there is hope with IVF. If it doesn't work I might just need to be committed, or seek refuge somewhere tropical & drown my sorrow in a fat margarita...We shall see, the saga continues!

Yummy, yummy, yummy, here's to a big fat baby in my tummy!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hey Jen,
Thanks for your comment on my blog. It is always neat to meet women through blogging that are in my area.
I hope you have a ton of follicles on Friday. Hang in there girl you are almost to the end were the bloating will decrease just in time to start your progesterone shots. :)
If this cycle doesn't work for either of us (which of course it will!)I will join you for that fat margarita.
I'll be checking back to see how things develop.